Health Tip #7
Garry's Health Tip #7

Magnesium is one mineral of the 60 our body needs to be nourished. It has a long list of what it does for the body but it is vital for all the tissue/cells/skin to maximise its health. Another big player in this area is Zinc and none of us get enough of any minerals. Dark green leafy veg is supposed to supply magnesium & zinc ? A partial quote from Dr Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, Neurosurgeon. "That every known illness is associated with a Magnesium deficiency, and went on to say- Magnesium is the most critical mineral required for Electrical Stability of every cell in the body. Magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more disease than any other nutrient."
From the dictionary (Oxford, Collins & Stedman's Medical)
Nourishment: Sustain with food. Enrich; provide the development of. Providing the food necessary for life & growth. A substance used to feed or to sustain life and growth of an organism.
Nutrient: Any substance that provides essential nourishment for the maintenance of life. A substance that provides nourishment. A constituent of food necessary for normal physiologic function.
So I will ask again - Why are we so sick ?