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Health Tip #8

Garry's Health Tip #8

Avoiding Toxic Chemicals

Toxic Chemicals

Statistics show that the average household harbours up to 850 toxic chemicals to humans and our animals.

They are found in cleaning & general use products plus ones we use directing on our bodies, shampoo, conditioner, hand wash & moisturiser.

Our bodies are not designed to filter out that quantity we absorb daily and does build up in our tissues with harmful effects. Choose wisely when purchasing, read the labels, research those chemicals, help yourself and family.

It's about choices In Adelaide we have specialising shops. Waste Not Want Not Eco Shop 183 Main Rd Blackwood.

This will help with internal organ function especially but it always pays to give it a clean out and there are a few ways of doing that; drinking plenty of water, liquid Chlorophyll, detoxing remedies, to name a few.

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