Garry's Health Tip # 10
FOOD and why we need it to be great !
Quality food supplies Nourishment ie Nutrition that maintains a healthy life.
These foods need to be Metabolized. It converts it to Energy to run our Brain and Body, which includes all those Organ, Nerve & Muscle functions to supply all the chemistry it needs to live a vital and dis-ease free life.There are two main forms of energy, Acids & Sugars (not white sugar). Metabolize means to break the food down to tiny bits to absorb to make the chemistry the body can use. To initiate Metabolism the body needs to be working well and must have Enzymes (bio-catalysts), Hormones & Nutrients (minerals, vitamins, good bacteria, essential fatty acids, water & oxygen).
The Body Renews itself (Replicates Cells) in cycles ie Skin over 30 days; Liver over 8 weeks; DNA & Intestines over 6 weeks; Stomach Lining over 5 weeks, etc. If all is going to plan your body fights off Dis-ease, Parasites, Viruses, bad Bacteria & other nasties. The main Metabolic diseases are - Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Auto Immune, Diabetes, Cancer, Gut Issues, Tiredness, Mental Issues to name a few.
Refined Foods, Fast Foods & Commercially grown fruit and vegetables don't have what our bodies need to meet the nutrient levels required. We then move into dysfunction & then the 'Symptoms' appear then we are diagnosed with a dis-ease . . . due to a lack of Nutrients.
Where are you getting your Enzymes & sufficient magnesium to trigger 2600 enzyme reactions, enough Zinc to trigger 600 enzyme reactions (plus all their normal jobs), enough Selenium & what about Vitamins ? Think about supplementing. If you don't eat you die, so the nutrient levels must be there. "So choose wisely, 'cause you are what you absorb"
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